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Press Release!

Cutting-edge algorithm improves intracranial EEG accuracy to improve future patient care: This is a press release on our most recent paper about assessing expert reliability in determining intracranial EEG channel quality and introducing the automated bad channel detection algorithm!

Disa receives Honda Fellowship Award

The Honda Fellowship Award will provide $960 for Disa to travel to the NANS meeting and will host an award ceremony for her to present her research!

Congratulations Disa!


New Paper Out!

Assessing expert reliability in determining intracranial EEG channel quality and introducing the automated bad channel detection algorithm (published July 26th, 2024)


Learn more on our publications page!

Paralyzed patients can move again with nerve stimulation, HCMC clinical trial confirms

Helping Department Research Labs Achieve Their Goals in the Face of Strong Growth

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Watch Dr. Herman in "Who We Are and What We Study: Neuroplasticity Research in Support of Mental Health"

to Xinyuan and Blair! 

Two of our lab members were awarded the MnDrive Neuromodulation Fellowship! This fellowship is extremely competitive, and we are very proud of the achievements of our lab members!

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Department researcher using K23 grant to take a unique approach to learning more about Cognitive Effort 

Cannot wait for more amazing things from Dr. Alex Herman!

New Case Study Published

Personalizing Dual-Target Cortical Stimulation with Bayesian Parameter Optimization Successfully Treats Central Post-Stroke Pain: A Case Report


Congrats to Danielle's Newest Publication!

Danielle Carlson's Paper entitled "Protective Effect of Stem Cells from Toxicity Induced by Gulf War Illness (GWI) Serum in N2A Neuroblastoma Cells" was recently published in the Journal of Neurology and Neuromedicine. 


U of M Udall Center secures $11.3M to continue Parkinson’s disease and deep brain stimulation research

Congratulations to the U of M Udall Center! 


Multidisciplinary U of M team builds on their previous research to help relieve a patient’s pain

The goal of the study is to optimize the use of epidural spinal cord stimulation to restore voluntary movement in patients suffering from chronic spinal cord injury and paraplegia. The stimulation has been successful for some study participants, inspiring the team to patent their algorithms.

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New Job Opening:
Cognitive Neuro Researcher!

We are currently looking for Cognitive Neuro Researcher, preferably with EPIC, Matlab, and EEG/DBS/MEG/fMRI experience. To apply or for more information, please click on the link below to visit the official job description. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Dr. Darrow as Rockswold-Kaplan Endowed Chair at Hennepin Healthcare! 

Hennepin Healthcare is proud to announce that this prestigious Endowed Chair will be bestowed to David Darrow, MD, MPH, an assistant professor in the University of Minnesota Medical School’s Department of Neurosurgery.

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We're Hiring a Post-doc!

We are currently looking for a post-doc with a background in software engineering and preferably with experience in electrophysiology as well. To contact us, head to the "Contact Us" page of the website or directly email We look forward to hearing from you. 

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Collaborating to a Successful Grant

This article, written by the UMN Medical School showcases four approaches that helped the U of M Medical School Secure a P50 Grant. The photo above includes four out of the eight researchers involved.

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Lab Article Published

The UMN Medical School's Department of Neurosurgery recently published an article on our lab, outlining our 3 primary priorities as a lab. The article is entitled, "Lab working across disciplines to find innovative answers to big questions about improving mental health."


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Published Protest Paper

Our new paper "Injuries from Less-Lethal Weapons During the George Floyd Protests in Minneapolis" was just published on The New England Journal of Medicine. It details several instances when protesters sustained severe injuries from non-lethal weapons, revealing that projectiles are not appropriate for crowd control.


FOX Coverage of UMN Rally

FOX news broadcasted a live video entitled "University of Minnesota Doctors, Medical Students Rally Against Less-Lethal Weapons on Protestors" on April 17th, 2021. Many of our lab members either helped plan or attended the rally.

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Star Tribune Article on Rally

Star Tribune article entitled "Doctors decry use of so-called less-lethal weapons in Brooklyn Center: U study finds less-lethal police weapons have sent many to the ER" was published on April 17th, 2021. Many of our lab members attended the rally.

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Channel 5 investigates: Less Lethal, Life Changing

Channel 5 published an article entitled "Less Lethal, Life Changing" highlighting the work that members of this lab have done in the past with the Protest Paper.

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UMF Research Grant

The Herman Darrow Lab is super excited that $3000 has been awarded by the University of Minnesota to Erika Kaske's research study entitled "Uncovering Resilience: Hair as a Retrospective Biomarker of Health and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic ." Congratulations Erika!

Read More
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Star Tribune Coverage of Protest Paper

Star Tribune article entitled "Study: 'Less Lethal" Weapons Used By Police During George Floyd Protests 'not appropriate,' caused significant injuries was just published!


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CNN Coverage of Protest Paper

CNN article entitled "Less Lethal Weapons Tied to Serious Injuries During George Floyd Protests, Researchers Say" was just published!


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November 10th, 2019

Complex Time Working Group: What is Sleep?

Interview with Alex Herman (Univ. Minnesota), Van Savage (UCLA/SFI), and Geoffrey West (SFI), at the Santa Fe Institute. Click on image for link!


Dr. Alexander Herman


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July 15, 2020

Now Recruiting for the Rapunzel Study!

The UMN COVID-19 Rapid Response Clinical Grant was awarded for "Uncovering Resilience: Hair as a Retrospective Biomarker of Health and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic". 


Erika Kaske

2nd Year Med Student

Image by Tim Mossholder

January 14, 2017

A Huge Welcome to Our Newest Members!

This month, three new members joined our team! Please welcome Erika Kaske, Fah Sysavanh, and Kate Dembny!

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Dr. David Darrow


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